Saturday, November 30, 2019

Blog #7- India

For this week's blog post, I decided to cover the topic of ending poverty. Sustainable Development Goal #3 is to Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote Well-Being for All Ages. There isn't a specific target in SDG #3 that covers poverty on its own, however, i believe part of health and well being means having no poverty. The country I decided to cover for this week is India.

While doing my research for this week's post I found a Not-for-profit organization called Care India. Care India is an organization whose goal is to alleviate poverty and social injustice. I like that they have both a vision and mission statement on their website.

     Their vision statement: "We seek a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security" (About Care India, 2019).

     Their mission statement: "Care India helps alleviate poverty and social exclusion by facilitating empowerment of women and girls from poor and marginalized communities (About Care India, 2019).

One of the projects Care India has in ending poverty is the Madhya Pradesh Nutrition Project. This project aims to: 
-Reduce malnutrition in children due to poverty
-Raise awareness about malnutrition in communities dealing with poverty
-Strengthen governance in India on ending malnutrition 

Care India works hand-in-hand with the Madhya Pradesh Nutrition Project to educate, counsel and motivate families to get out of extreme poverty. The three main districts in Madhya Pradesh that are part of the project are Chhatarpur, Tikamgarh, and Panna- all in Bundelkhand region.

India overall is a huge country. There are an estimated 1.3 Billion people living in India in 2019. In January of 2016, about 6.6% of their population(over 86,843,300 people) were considered to be in extreme poverty. Just 3 years later in January 2019, that number has dropped to 3.3% (45,012,115 people) living in extreme poverty (World Poverty Clock, 2019). This is significant progress that is is on track to continue in progress until there is no more extreme poverty in India.


“About Care India - The NGO Focusing on Ending Poverty and Social Injustice.” CARE India,

“Madhya Pradesh Nutrition Project.” CARE India,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth,

    I didn't know that India had non-profit organizations to help alleviate poverty, but I'm glad that I got to learn about a new resource that is helping promote the well-being of all persons in that state and in India. Because of India's huge population, the number of people that live in poverty in India will also be a very big percentage. On their website, it is mentioned that Care India has been working in India for over 68 years which shows that they have a lot of experience in providing health education and I also really love that they focus on empowering women and girls to become independent (Care India, 2019). This organization plays a huge role in making change a reality and I hope that they continue what they are doing and are able to see significant changes in the future as well. Great post!


    Care India. (2019). About Us. Retrieved from


Blog #8- Mali

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